Hi there
Here are some rules for the use of the forum. Please follow them, as it makes the use of a forum more pleasant and easy to follow for everyone.
Do not bypass the word filter. We wish to keep this forum school-appropriate, and so profanity is blocked.
Do not post images, or link to sites that contain excessive violence, obscene language, sexual references or nudity.
Do not post any content that may be deemed racist, homophobic, hateful, inflammatory, defamatory, sexual, libelous or promote the harm and/or abuse of any group or entity.
Please do not double post – this means posting twice in a row in a single topic. Use the edit button
And for those of you who know what I mean - no necroing, no pagestretching, no flaming.
The rules will be revised and added to over time, but we will warn you of any rule changes.
If you have any questions, just ask